Thursday, June 13, 2013

Afternoon tea & crumpets.

My imaginary land of magical tea parties.. Is it too much for you?
I believe I've given you a dash too much. But every once in awhile you meet a soul you decide to let in.

I let her in. I want her to see the wildest side of me. The animals that we both are... Becoming. She needs to know. So it makes sense. 
"You should've been part of the Rolling Stones".
I know my dear. 
I begin to act out my future life. Pretending to be surrounded by my children. I was only part conscious for this. The red sun glasses and feather head dress add to the illusion of my sanity. Visually appealing. He would be so proud. 

This is where I stand. The very beginning of a musical rebellion. I don't know where else to stand now. The line no longer suits me.

More words spill onto the floor... Well thought out conversation. Late into the night, I'm covered in sweat & excitement with his voice. "People are not going to agree with me... But people are going to hate you..." She reminds me. I brought it up... I already know this. I have been hated my whole life, people love that about me... How easily it is to hate me.  

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