Wednesday, January 22, 2014

there is no place like home.

it was all a dream anyhow. bold colors trail across the screen... pastel changing horses don't actually exist, by the way. it was all a light show. see how things go? as a child your perception hasn't been altered by the mature way of thinking... i do propose you do your research.

feelings of comfort settle in today and i am able to get up and move around. i begin to finally feel like myself... at times i believe the east to west coast travel leaves pieces behind. many days of sleep and collection of familiar body parts help ease me into this new routine. with all the hustle and excitement of the last days, i am thankful that it fueled my fire. once again his spark of energy is felt from three thousand miles away. before long things will become all too real and a subscription will be prescribed in order to continue reading... there is not much i can do with how fast the rate increases.

all i know is i have seen this before. that is how i know i am in the right place.

for a wish to be discovered she must first ask herself "why?"
then sit back and think about this...
"why not?"

"well i wouldn't know what else to do otherwise..."-hh

God only knows what comes next.

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