Tuesday, January 22, 2013

vampire candy.

gypsy circus in my mind. I can see it all now. Dusty vintage portals of trampy 
Souls. The desire lines of need. Silica structures. Cellophane now. Stretching and mimicking the illusions of the present. 
I am satisfied. The scary excitement of my future. Bricks and stones that lie ahead. I brace myself for the shift, in gravel. The many faces I need to see. Pleasure and pain combined, lured me in. 
What I would give for a few small and fragile letters on paper. 
Each day is childlike now. One step at a time. Left, left. Left, right, left. 

when you believe in things that you dont understand, you suffer. superstition is the way. stevie wonder

But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing. (James 1:4 KJV)

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