Saturday, June 1, 2013


when does a right take a wrong turn?
that is the question. 
when do you know when to stop? 
before it's exactly what you
wanted all along?

the comedy of being a child is what it is like. remembering the exact seconds of history that can bring it all back to life with the lessons.
leaving out just enough details as we laid on the floor smoking and listening to records.
the familiar voices and sounds over the classic style of ... way of life.
platonic is how 'they' describe it.

i've set my intention for the next six months.
what you do for the next year usually has a bit to do with
the new years eve. this year i was running around west hollywood.
in an adorable outfit yet to be captured by film.
its funny how the most exciting lives are not
bottled up for everyone to make a spectacle of.
instead it lies deep inside of you and radiates out
and shows in your sense of style.

i found my sense of style tonight. thanks to her. it might just be a thing.

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